Dominic Taglialatella's next addition to his art lecture serues, entitled "Surrealism, the Origin Story", took place on Wednesday evending, February 7th. This being his 16th lecture in 6 years, Mr. Taglialatella discussed how surrealism is one of the defining cultural movements of the twentieth century and how it influenced art and literature. Focusing part of his lecture on the world-renowned artist, Salvador Dali, Mr. Taglialatella engorssed the crowd on how Dali made such a statement on the art world as well as showing our collection of Dali sculptures.


The next lecture, on March 21st, will be about Joseph Duveen, the famous british art dealer. You won't want to miss it! Please contact the Palm Beach gallery if you're interested in attending. All are welcome, but space is limited! Do feel free to stop by the Palm Beach gallery as well, with any inquiries.